It's Brandon here. Just wanted to post some pictures and give you all a re-cap about the HitMan at his first New York Yankees Old Timers Day game.
Mike was batting clean up for the "Clippers" squad and playing first base. In his first at bat Mike faced Mike Mussina! Mussina came out throwing hard, but the Hitman looked ready! He fouled off some tough fastballs. Mussina knew he couldn't beat the Hitman with the gas, so he went to an off-speed pitch. The Hitman, being a professional hitter, waited on Mussina's junk and dropped an RBI single into left field!

Mike's second at bat came against Mel Stottlemyre. Mike hit a hard ground ball to second base, resulting in a DP, but he made solid contact and put the ball in play. Even though he didn't get a hit, Mike ran the ball out all the way through first base....something everyone should do!
Mike, once again showed what a professional ball player should do, and hustled to first base!
Overall, the Hitman had a good day. One- for- two with an RBI and great defensensive play!
I was fortunate enough to be in the crowd with my father (a long time Yankee fan), Mike's beautiful daughter, Misty and two friends. After the the game, all the Yankee Old Timers came up to the luxury suites where we were sitting (boy the Yankees do everything with class) and hung around with family and friends.
I was fortunate enough to be in the crowd with my father (a long time Yankee fan), Mike's beautiful daughter, Misty and two friends. After the the game, all the Yankee Old Timers came up to the luxury suites where we were sitting (boy the Yankees do everything with class) and hung around with family and friends.
It was a great day all around, As the Yankees swept the Tigers and the Old Timers got to play again.
The Hitman is traveling home today, but told me that once he lands and takes a nap, he will begin training for next years Old Timers Day game!
Well, Mike and I are excited to continue bringing you hitting and conditioning tips and thoughts, so check in often as the best info is yet to come!
Leave a comment and forward to all your baseball buddies!
Stay focused
Brandon Smith
Congrats mike! Glad to see you're doing well.